Editorial Board

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Editorial Board

Tulay Adali Editor-in-Chief:
Tulay Adali
University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD, USA
Email EiC
Email SPS Publications Office
Term Ends: 31 December 2026



A Message from the Editor-in-Chief:

Welcome to the website of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM)!

SPM is received bimonthly by all members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. It publishes tutorial-style articles with comprehensive surveys of important theories, algorithms, tools, and applications in signal processing and related areas. Each issue includes articles from three main categories: special issue articles, feature articles, and columns and forum articles. "Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter" is a monthly electronic publication of SPM serving all members in the Society. Thanks to the contributions made by all of the society members and volunteers, SPM continues to receive distinguished recognition, ranked consistently among the top journals with a very high impact factor! 

SPM is charged with the roles of educating our readers in new trends of signal processing and of broad community services. We set the highest standards for the published work with timeliness in the review and publication process. Our editorial team consists of distinguished researchers and educators with expertise spanning over all areas of signal processing and related disciplines.

We seek your active involvement and participation in shaping SPM to one reflecting our whole community's interests, both long term and short term. Contact me with any idea you may have for improving any section in SPM. I welcome you to be an SPM author, columnist, guest editor, and/or a reviewer.

Area Editors

Name Affiliation Area of Focus
Selin Aviyente Michigan State University, USA Area Editor - Special Issues
Charles Casimiro Cavalcante Teleinformatics Engineering Department, Brazil Area Editor - eNewsletter
Danilo Comminiello University of Rome La Sapienza Rome, Italy Area Editor - Columns and Forum
Justin Dauwels Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Area Editor - Columns and Forum
Arie Yeredor Tel Aviv University, Israel Area Editor - Feature Articles

Senior Editorial Board

Name Affiliation
Massoud Babaie-Zadeh Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Vince D. Calhoun Georgia State, Georgia Tech, Emory, USA
Cagatay Candan Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Caroline Chaux Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France
Mark Coates Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg Technische Fakultat, Germany
Laura Cottatellucci McGill University, Canada
Davide Dardari University of Bologna, Italy
Sharon Gannot Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Remi Gribonval Inria Centre de Recherche Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
Ian Jermyn Durham University, UK
Ulugbek S. Kamilov Washington University in Saint Louis, USA
Sanghoon Lee Yonsei University, Korea
Danilo Mandic Imperial College London, UK
Michalis Matthaiou Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
Gaël Richard Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Reza Sameni Emory University, USA
Ervin Sejdic University of Pittsburgh, USA
Konstantinos Slavakis Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Dimitri Van De Ville Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Henk Wymeersch Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Associate Editors - Columns and Forum

Name Affiliation
Ulisses Braga-Neto Texas A&M University, USA
Rodrigo Guido São Paulo State University, Brazil
Wei Hu Peking University, China
Andres Kwasinski Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Xingyu Li University of Alberta, Canada
Xin Liao Hunan University, China

Associate Editors for eNewsletter

Name Affiliation
Abhishek Appaji B.M.S. College of Engineering-Bengaluru, India
Mylène Christine Queiroz de Farias Texas State University, USA
Behnaz Ghoraani Florida Atlantic University, USA
Panagiotis Markopoulos University of Texas at San Antonio, USA


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