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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of March, IEEE-USA is offering a free e-book, "Launching Your Career-Book 3: A Practitioner’s Guide to Leadership," written by IEEE Senior member Barry L. Shoop, Ph.D. This compilation of insights from numerous scholarly references also includes examples from Shoop’s personal leadership experiences. It provides a starting point for those interested in becoming more effective leaders, stimulating thought, motivating practice, and inspiring reflection. The e-book covers the spectrum of leadership development, including leadership theories, principles of leadership, leadership traits, the distinction between managers and leaders, team composition and diversity of opinion, individual and group dynamics, and running effective meetings.
Download now (PDF, 580 KB; free to IEEE members; US$7.99 for non-members)
Other e-books in this series include: "Launching Your Career-Book 1: How To Find Your Perfect Job"; "Launching Your Career–Book 2: How To Make the Transition from Classroom to the Office"; and "Launching Your Career–Book 4: Lifelong Learning—Your Key to an Enjoyable and Rewarding Career."
For the month of April, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "Perspectives on the Management of Technology," written by Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor, retired 3M Director of Engineering and IEEE Senior member. In this e-book, Gaynor provides an overview of the discipline of Management of Technology (MOT), some general background information, and reports on the current status of MOT. He also shares the steps needed to develop MOT as a recognized academic discipline and provide a positive impact on industry operations.
To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Account.
IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair Gus Gaynor or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager Georgia C. Stelluto.
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