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About the Magazine


IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (SPM) publishes tutorial-style articles on signal processing research and applications, as well as columns and forums on issues of interest. Its coverage ranges from fundamental principles to practical implementation, reflecting the multidimensional facets of interests and concerns of the community. Its mission is to bring up-to-date, emerging and active technical developments, issues, and events to the research, educational, and professional communities. It is also the main Society communication platform addressing important issues concerning all members.

Reproducible Research

The Magazine encourages authors to make their publications reproducible by making all information needed to reproduce the presented results available online. This typically requires publishing the code and data used to produce the publication's figures and tables on a website; see the supplemental materials section of the Information for Authors-SPM. It gives other researchers easier access to the work, and facilitates fair comparisons.

Multimedia content

It is now possible to submit for review and publish in Xplore supporting multimedia material such as speech samples, images, movies, matlab code etc. A multimedia graphical abstract can also be displayed along with the traditional text. More information is available under Multimedia Materials at the IEEE Author Center.


All papers: Feature Article white papers, Special Issue proposals, and Columns & Forum papers must be submitted via ScholarOne Manuscripts Web submission system. See details in Information for Authors-SPM.

Magazine Citation Metrics

Impact Factor: 9.4
Eigenfactor™ Score: 0.01465
Article Influence Score: 6.201
CiteScore: 27.2



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