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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Ali H. Sayed,
Chair, 2020-2021 SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee
IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President Ali H. Sayed, in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee, invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of Vice President-Conferences for the term 1 January 2021-31 December 2023 and Vice President-Publications for the term 1 January 2021-31 December 2023.
Nominations for the Vice President-Conferences and Vice President-Publications positions must be submitted through the online nomination system. The following information is required for each nomination: candidate name, contact information, IEEE Region, IEEE member number, candidate’s brief biography including information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society volunteer activities, a photo, as well as a statement of interest stating the candidate's vision for the position. Nominations must be received no later than 14 FEBRUARY 2020. Full details can be found on the web.
VICE PRESIDENT-CONFERENCES (Term: 1 January 2021-31 December 2023)
The duties of the Vice President-Conferences include management responsibility for all Society conference and workshop teams; identification of locations to propose future ICASSP, ICIP, and any other SPS-sponsored major conference locations; recommend policy to the Board of Governors in the area of management of the Society’s technical meetings and apply such policy on behalf of the Board of Governors; enforce IEEE policy as it applies to the Society’s technical meetings; creation of strategic and long-term plans for the Society’s technical meeting activities; assist in the creation of the TAB Five-Year Society Review document; and represent the Society at IEEE meetings or meetings of other organizations on conference matters or as requested by the Society’s President or Board.
The Vice President-Conferences chairs the Conferences Board and acts as liaison to the Board of Governors for all technical meeting activity; the Vice President-Conferences also serves on, and is a voting member of, the Society's Board of Governors and Executive Committee. The Vice President-Conferences also represents the Society to IEEE or to other organizations, on behalf of the Society, on matters concerned with the Society’s technical meetings.
NOTE: The Vice President-Conferences preferably should have served as a General Chair, Technical Program Chair or Finance Chair for an IEEE symposium or major conference. Preferred candidates are those who have served as past General Chair or Finance Chair for ICASSP, ICIP, or GlobalSIP.
VICE PRESIDENT-PUBLICATIONS (Term: 1 January 2021-31 December 2023)
The duties of the Vice President-Publications include the oversight of Society publications activities; the identification and appointment (with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee) of Editors-in-Chief for the Society’s periodical journals, membership magazine, newsletter(s) or other magazines; management of the activities of the Editors-in-Chief; drafting strategic and long-term plans for the Society’s publications; oversight of financial matters pertaining to the Society’s publications such as page budgets; oversight of the Society’s online manuscript submission interface; management of online and electronic publication initiatives; responsible for the creation of the TAB Five-Year Publications Review document and assisting in the creation of the TAB Five-Year Society Review document; assist in preparing of new periodical and publications/products proposals; represents the Society on the IEEE Panel of Editors; and represent the Society at IEEE meetings or meetings of other organizations for publication matters or as requested by the Society’s President or Board.
The Vice President-Publications chairs the Publications Board and acts as liaison to the Board of Governors for all publication matters; the Vice President-Publications serves on, and is a voting member of, the Society's Board of Governors and Executive Committee.
NOTE: The Vice President-Publications must have served as an Editor-in-Chief, or in an equivalent management capacity for an archival journal published by IEEE.
Manage Collaborators on Nomination:
There is a Manage Collaborators button in the top right corner of the nomination page. The Primary Collaborator, who is the person who started the nomination, can add additional collaborators on the nomination by clicking the Add Collaborator button. Once a Collaborator is added, the application can be transferred to a new Primary Collaborator by clicking Make Primary next to the name. Access can also be removed from a collaborator by clicking Remove Access next to the name. Only the Primary Collaborator can submit or finalize the application, as well as add other Collaborators. All Collaborators can view and edit the application. However, only one user can be editing the nomination at a time to avoid accidental overwriting of another's information.
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