Multi-Sensor Track-to-Track Association and Spatial Registration Algorithm Under Incomplete Measurements

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Multi-Sensor Track-to-Track Association and Spatial Registration Algorithm Under Incomplete Measurements

Jun Wang; Yajun Zeng; Shaoming Wei; Zixiang Wei; Qinchen Wu; Yvon Savaria

Spatial registration and track-to-track association (which are mutually coupled) are essential parts in the process of multi-sensor information fusion. The quality of the spatial registration and track association algorithm directly influences the subsequent fusion performance. Aiming to solve the spatial registration and track association problem in the case where incomplete measurements are provided by different sensors, this paper proposes a residual bias estimation registration (RBER) method based on maximum likelihood and the sequential m-best track association algorithm based on the new target density (SMBTANTD). The RBER method realizes the update of incomplete measurements by sequential filtering technology and eliminates the systematic bias of sensors by using information on the significant targets. The SMBTANTD method introduces a new target density in the correlation matrix, which effectively solves the association problem in the scenarios where the numbers of targets measured by multiple sensors are inconsistent. The reported simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can not only accurately estimate the systematic bias of the sensors, but also significantly improve the performance of track association.

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