TSP Volume 69 | 2021

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TSP Volume 69 | 2021

In this work, we analyze the convergence of constant modulus algorithm (CMA) in blindly recovering multiple signals to facilitate grant-free wireless access. The CMA typically solves a non-convex problem by utilizing stochastic gradient descent. The iterative convergence of CMA can be affected by additive channel noise and finite number of samples, which is a problem not fully investigated previously.

Wedevelop a privacy-preserving distributed projection least mean squares (LMS) strategy over linear multitask networks, where agents’ local parameters of interest or tasks are linearly related. Each agent is interested in not only improving its local inference performance via in-network cooperation with neighboring agents, but also protecting its own individual task against privacy leakage. In our proposed strategy, at each time instant, each agent sends a noisy estimate, which is its local intermediate estimate corrupted by a zero-mean additive noise, to its neighboring agents.

This paper studies a statistical model for heteroscedastic ( i.e. , power fluctuating) signals embedded in white Gaussian noise. Using the Riemannian geometry theory, we propose an unified approach to tackle several problems related to this model. The first axis of contribution concerns parameters (signal subspace and power factors) estimation, for which we derive intrinsic Cramér-Rao bounds and propose a flexible Riemannian optimization algorithmic framework in order to compute the maximum likelihood estimator (as well as other cost functions involving the parameters).

This paper addresses the problem of target detection against a background of Gaussian clutter by using frequency snapshots with reduced degrees of freedom (DOF). We derive the optimal detector and detection performance under the Neyman-Pearson criterion for general frequency snapshot selection with arbitrary DOF. When the clutter statistics are unknown, we use a uniformly random frequency snapshot selection method and show how the DOF employed affects the detection performance. 

Spatial registration and track-to-track association (which are mutually coupled) are essential parts in the process of multi-sensor information fusion. The quality of the spatial registration and track association algorithm directly influences the subsequent fusion performance.

We study distributed filtering for a class of uncertain systems over corrupted communication channels. We propose a distributed robust Kalman filter with stochastic gains, through which upper bounds of the conditional mean square estimation errors are calculated online. 

In this paper, a smart pilot sequence assignment method is proposed to minimize inter-cell interference generated in a massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system due to pilot contamination in uplink TDD (Time Division Duplex) mode. The proposed method employs a zero-one integer linear programming method as the assignment algorithm.

Wide-sense cyclostationary processes are an important class of non-stationary processes that have a periodic structure in their first- and second-order moments. This article extends the notion of cyclostationarity (in the wide sense) to processes where the mean and covariance functions might depart from strict periodicities and constant amplitudes.

In this paper, power allocation is examined for the coexistence of a radar and a communication system that employ multicarrier waveforms. We propose two designs for the considered spectrum sharing problem by maximizing the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the radar receiver while maintaining certain communication throughput and power constraints.

Hidden Markov models are widely used for target tracking, where the process and measurement noises are usually modeled as independent Gaussian distributions for mathematical simplicity. However, the independence and Gaussian assumptions do not always hold in practice. For example, in a typical target tracking application, a radar is utilized to track a non-cooperative target. 



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