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IEEE Signal Processing Society Blog

The SPS blog aims to raise awareness about signal processing and Society-related topics to a general interest audience in an engaging, informal, and non-technical way. If you're interested in contributing to the SPS blog, please contact the SPS Blog Team at for more information.

Sensors and Sensibility

Vladimir Pavlovic, Senior Staff Engineer at Sierra Wireless

Depending on who do you ask, we have five, six, or even twenty-one senses. Besides touch, vision, hearing, smell and taste, which we are taught about in kindergarten, we have senses of balance, hot and cold, pain, magnetic orientation (although very weak and close to nonexistent), position of our limbs relative to other parts of the body (can you touch your nose while eyes shut?), and more. If you hoped the sixth sense has anything to do with paranormal, I have to disappoint you.

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A Visual Innovator and Entrepreneur, Steve Chen Sits at the Heart of Silicon Valley

Humans have been fascinated with light and optics since prehistoric times, when the first “camera” was used to project upside down images onto cave walls. IEEE recently presented the world’s first Visual Innovation Award to showcase innovations that made great impact on human experiences with visual technology or are anticipated to do so in the near future.

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How Biometric Authentication Poses New Challenges to Our Security and Privacy

Nasir Memon

Nasir Memon, Computer Science and Engineering NYU Tandon School of Engineering
The use of biometric data – an individual’s measurable physical and behavioral characteristics – isn’t new. Government and law enforcement agencies have long used it. The FBI has been building a biometric recognition database; the Department of Homeland Security is sharing its iris and facial recognition of foreigners with the FBI.

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No Need for Speed: More innovation needed before adopting automated vehicles

Wade Trappe

This article originally appeared on Robotic Tips.
We spend a considerable amount of time driving - to work and home, for recreation and travel. Envisioning a completely autonomous world, we’ll be able to rent a vehicle pre-programmed to take us to a specified destination. Drivers will be able to disengage to read the newspaper while the car carries out their commute and seamlessly coordinates to ensure the safety of its passengers.

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IEEE Signal Processing Society Wins 2016 Society/Council Professional Development Award

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) was recently awarded the IEEE Educational Activities Board’s Society/Council Professional Development Award "for innovative educational and professional development programs that engage professionals, students and the general public in signal processing.”

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What Makes Big Data “Big”? The Five V’s to Understanding Its Volume

Dr. Pavel Loskot, Senior Lecturer, Swansea University

Have you encountered big data yet? Chances are you have. From Facebook to Twitter, from Google searches to YouTube videos, from bank statements to utility bills and shopping discount cards, big data is everywhere. But to understand its significance, we must first explore what data is, what makes it “big,” and how it ties to signal processing.

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Understanding High Voltage Power Systems Through Signal Processing Technology

Imene Mitiche

 PhD Student, Glasgow Caledonian University

Signal processing is exploited in daily industrial applications for analysis purposes, particularly in the power generation field. Consider the example of a high voltage power supply site – a plant that contains power generators and transformers.  Such systems are susceptible to Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI), produced during the operation of the system or due to fault occurrence.

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Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing’s Major Impact on Smartphones

Heinz Teutsch

When you first hear about Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) it’s likely you don’t think of the movies, music and modern smartphones that it gives life to. As a sub-category of signal processing, AASP specifically deals with the analysis, processing and synthesis of sound that has been either recorded by one or more microphones or artificially generated by, for example, a computer program or synthesizer. 

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The Challenges of Smart Signal Processing

Antonio Gomez

R&D Electrical Engineer with System Test Equipment Engineering Group at Sandia National Laboratories
It’s not uncommon to find that engineers and scientists are reluctant to change. Unlike new features on your smart phone, new ideas in engineering and science can be received with a cold shoulder and large doses of skepticism. For anyone in the field, the statement “this is the way we have always been doing it” is heard numerous times during engineering design sessions. Most engineering teams would rather spend their time designing an automatic screwdriver than designing a new screw.

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Why This Signal Processing Pioneer Takes the Road Less Traveled

For many of us, it’s difficult to recall a time when our mobile phones were too big for our pockets, or our laptops weren’t paper-thin. But it wasn’t long ago that disk drives – the technology that stores data on digital devices – were the size of a room. Today, while they’re more like the size of a credit card and still shrinking, the sheer amount of data we’re saving to them continues to explode.

It’s a data storage problem José Moura predicted – and solved – 20 years ago.

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