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IEEE Signal Processing Society Blog

The SPS blog aims to raise awareness about signal processing and Society-related topics to a general interest audience in an engaging, informal, and non-technical way. If you're interested in contributing to the SPS blog, please contact the SPS Blog Team at for more information.

Machines are Watching the News and Signal Processing is at the Helm

Anca Popescu

In 2008, United Airlines baggage handlers in Chicago severely damaged Dave Carroll’s Taylor guitar worth $3,500. After nine months of unsuccessful pleas for compensation, Carroll wrote the song "United Breaks Guitars” – a YouTube hit with more than 17 million views. Four weeks later, the airline’s stock fell about 10 percent for a loss of $180 million.

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New Quality-Of-Experience Measurement Technologies: Streamlining How Videos Are Delivered To Consumers

Zhou Wang

Video distribution services have been growing exponentially in the past decade. Cisco Visual Network Index Report predicts that globally, IP video traffic will be 82 percent of all consumer Internet traffic by 2020, up from 70 percent in 2015. 

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How Signal Processing Supports Multibiometric Systems and Makes them More Secure

Rohitkumar Thanki

When you first hear the word “biometric,” it’s likely you make the connection to human beings. By definition, biometric means “life to measure.” There are many types of biometric characteristics, such as fingerprints, faces, eyes, speech and palmprints. Commonly used for individual recognition and authentication, these biometric characteristics comprise the biometric system.

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How Signal Processing Counts Your Steps

Atul Ingle

Smartwatches and activity trackers were once a novelty. Now, they’re ubiquitous. According to the market research firm, CCS Insight, the market for smartwatches is expected to grow threefold over the next five years. 

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The Science Behind Music: How Dıgial Signal Processing Powers Our Favorite Tunes

Dr. Ibrahim Atakan KUBİLAY

What if we lived in a world without music?  It’s utterly unthinkable. Music has long been an important part of human life.  Researchers found human remain alongside flutes made from animal bones dating more than 40,000 years ago1.  In ancient Greek mythology, muses were goddesses or water nymphs, inspiring humans in the fields of art and science, and spurring incredible developments2.

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Turbocharged: Under the Hood of the Wireless Revolution

Ramanan Thiyagarajan

The 2015 State of Broadband report produced by the UN Broadband Commission revealed 57 percent of the world’s people remain offline – unable to take advantage of the enormous economic and social benefits the internet offers.

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How MRIs are Changing How Society Looks at your Brain

Dale Mugler

Have you had an experience in an MRI scanner? Chances are you have or know someone who has. Magnetic Resonance Imaging produces detailed pictures of soft tissue in the human body – but, unlike many other techniques, it does not require any radiation.

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A New Era in Human Computer Interaction: Facial Expression Recognition

Cigdem Turan, Ph.D. Candidate at Hong Kong PolyU

How would you feel if electronic devices could recognize your emotion and take actions based on it? They could cheer you up with a joke when you are sad. They’d recognize sleepiness while you were driving, and help you understand if a person was in real pain or just claiming to be. They could differentiate the Duchenne smile from the forced one or detect depression using facial muscle movements. These applications aren’t promises of the future: they’re possible today with recent developments in signal processing and machine learning algorithms.

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A ‘Scholar in the Making’: Student Member Sean Young reflects on his time with the IEEE Signal Processing Society

A self-proclaimed “scholar in the making,” SPS Student Member Sean Young credits his growth in the field to his time with the Society. From connecting with like-minded individuals to attending conferences, Sean recognizes the impact it’s had on his career and his research. To kick off Engineers Week (running from February 19-25, 2017), we spoke with Sean about his journey with SPS, his future in the field, and what advice he’d offer to those just getting started.

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Signal Processing for Social Good

Kush R. Varshney

Kush R. Varshney, research staff member and manager in the Data Science Group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.
Communication, speech processing, seismology and radar are well-known applications of signal processing that contribute to the betterment of humanity. But is there a more direct way that signal and information processing can reduce poverty, hunger, inequality, injustice, ill health and other causes of human suffering?

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