IEEE Signal Processing Society Flagship Conferences Over the Past 10 Years

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IEEE Signal Processing Society Flagship Conferences Over the Past 10 Years

Ana I. Perez-Neira; Fernando Pereira; Carlo Regazzoni; Caroline Johnson

Throughout the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s (SPS’s) history, conferences have functioned as a main way to connect within the Society, bringing together the signal processing research community to discuss and debate, establish research collaborations, and have a good time. These immersive conference experiences, to which attendees travel from all over the world to be together for a set period of time, have certainly been challenged over these past years, but SPS leadership was able to guide and steer through the constant unanticipated changes, with continued financial stability and growing momentum for a more inclusive future. This article gives an overview of the evolution of SPS conferences in the past decade and presents the challenges ahead.

Throughout the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s (SPS’s) history, conferences have functioned as a main way to connect within the Society, bringing together the signal processing research community to discuss and debate, establish research collaborations, and have a good time. These immersive conference experiences, to which attendees travel from all over the world to be together for a set period of time, have certainly been challenged over these past years, but SPS leadership was able to guide and steer through the constant unanticipated changes, with continued financial stability and growing momentum for a more inclusive future. This article gives an overview of the evolution of SPS conferences in the past decade and presents the challenges ahead.

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