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New Hole-Filling Method Using Extrapolated Spatio-Temporal Background Information for a Synthesized Free-View

Tong Qiao; Ran Shi; Xiangyang Luo; Ming Xu; Ning Zheng; Yiming Wu

The problem of authenticating a re-sampled image has been investigated over many years. Currently, however, little research proposes a statistical model-based test, resulting in that statistical performance of the resampling detector could not be completely analyzed. To fill the gap, we utilize a parametric model to expose the traces of resampling forgery, which is described with the distribution of residual noise. Afterward, we propose a statistical model describing the residual noise from a resampled image. Then, the detection problem is cast into the framework of hypothesis testing theory. By considering the image content with designing a texture weight map, two types of statistical detectors are established. In an ideal context in which all distribution parameters are perfectly known, the likelihood ratio test (LRT) is presented and its performance is theoretically established. An upper bound of the detection power can be successfully obtained from the statistical performance of an LRT. For practical use, when the distribution parameters are not known, a generalized LRT with three different maps based on estimation of parameters is established. Numerical results on simulated data and real natural images highlight the relevance of our proposed approach.

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