Deep Learning-Based Non-Intrusive Multi-Objective Speech Assessment Model With Cross-Domain Features

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Deep Learning-Based Non-Intrusive Multi-Objective Speech Assessment Model With Cross-Domain Features

Ryandhimas E. Zezario; Szu-Wei Fu; Fei Chen; Chiou-Shann Fuh; Hsin-Min Wang; Yu Tsao

This study proposes a cross-domain multi-objective speech assessment model, called MOSA-Net, which can simultaneously estimate the speech quality, intelligibility, and distortion assessment scores of an input speech signal. MOSA-Net comprises a convolutional neural network and bidirectional long short-term memory architecture for representation extraction, and a multiplicative attention layer and a fully connected layer for each assessment metric prediction. Additionally, cross-domain features (spectral and time-domain features) and latent representations from self-supervised learned (SSL) models are used as inputs to combine rich acoustic information to obtain more accurate assessments. Experimental results show that in both seen and unseen noise environments, MOSA-Net can improve the linear correlation coefficient (LCC) scores in perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) prediction, compared to Quality-Net, an existing single-task model for PESQ prediction, and improve LCC scores in short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) prediction, compared to STOI-Net, an existing single-task model for STOI prediction. Moreover, MOSA-Net can be used as a pre-trained model to be effectively adapted to an assessment model for predicting subjective quality and intelligibility scores with a limited amount of training data. Experimental results show that MOSA-Net can improve LCC scores in mean opinion score (MOS) predictions, compared to MOS-SSL, a strong single-task model for MOS prediction. We further adopt the latent representations of MOSA-Net to guide the speech enhancement (SE) process and derive a quality-intelligibility (QI)-aware SE (QIA-SE) approach. Experimental results show that QIA-SE outperforms the baseline SE system with improved PESQ scores in both seen and unseen noise environments over a baseline SE model.

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