IEEE TCI Article

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IEEE TCI Article

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has become an invaluable imaging tool for many applications in astrophysics or Earth observation. Unfortunately, direct observation of hyperspectral images is impossible since the actual measurements are 2-D and suffer from strong spatial and spectral degradations, especially in the infrared.

Superpixel provides local pixel coherence and respects object boundary, which is beneficial to stereo matching. Recently, superpixel cues are introduced into deep stereo networks. These methods develop a superpixel-based sampling scheme to downsample input color images and upsample output disparity maps. However, in this way, the image details are inevitably lost in the downsampling and the upsampling process introduces errors in the final disparity as well. Besides, this mechanism further limits the possibility of utilizing larger and multi-scale superpixels, which are important to alleviate the matching ambiguity.

We introduce an efficient synthetic electrode selection strategy for use in Adaptive Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (AECVT). The proposed strategy is based on the Adaptive Relevance Vector Machine (ARVM) method and allows to successively obtain synthetic electrode configurations that yield the most decrease in the image reconstruction uncertainty for the spatial distribution of the permittivity in the region of interest. 

In this paper, we explore the spatiospectral image super-resolution (SSSR) task, i.e., joint spatial and spectral super-resolution, which aims to generate a high spatial resolution hyperspectral image (HR-HSI) from a low spatial resolution multispectral image (LR-MSI). To tackle such a severely ill-posed problem, one straightforward but inefficient way is to sequentially perform a single image super-resolution (SISR) network followed by a spectral super-resolution (SSR) network in a two-stage manner or reverse order.

Conventional digital cameras typically accumulate all the photons within an exposure period to form a snapshot image. It requires the scene to be quite still during the imaging time, otherwise it would result in blurry image for the moving objects. Recently, a retina-inspired spike camera has been proposed and shown great potential for recording high-speed motion scenes. Instead of capturing the visual scene by a single snapshot, the spike camera records the dynamic light intensity variation continuously.

In this work, a new nonlinear framework is presented for superior reconstructions in ultrasound-modulated optical tomography. The framework is based on minimizing a functional comprising of least squares data fitting term along with additional sparsity priors that promote high contrast, subject to the photon-propagation diffusion equation. The resulting optimization problem is solved using a sequential quadratic Hamiltonian scheme, based on the Pontryagin’s maximum principle, that does not involve semi-smooth calculus and is easy to implement.

In this paper, we develop a framework against inference attacks aimed at inferring the values of the controller gains of an active steering control system (ASCS). We first show that an adversary with access to the shared information by a vehicle, via a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), can reliably infer the values of the controller gains of an ASCS. This vulnerability may expose the driver as well as the manufacturer of the ASCS to severe financial and safety risks. 

Privacy-preserving techniques for processing sets of information have attracted the research community’s attention in recent years due to society’s increasing dependency on the availability of data at any time. One of the fundamental problems in set operations is known as Private Set Intersection (PSI). The problem requires two parties to compute the intersection between their sets while preserving correctness and privacy. Although several efficient two-party PSI protocols already exist, protocols for PSI in the multi-party setting (MPSI) currently scale poorly with a growing number of parties, even though this applies to many real-life scenarios. 

In this paper, we propose a new design for single sensor compressive HDR light field cameras, combining multi-ISO photography with coded mask acquisition, placed in a compressive sensing framework. The proposed camera model is based on a main lens, a multi-ISO sensor and a coded mask located in the optical path between the main lens and the sensor that projects the coded spatio-angular information of the light field onto the 2D sensor. The model encompasses different acquisition scenarios with different ISO patterns and gains.

We propose Coordinate-based Internal Learning (CoIL) as a new deep-learning (DL) methodology for continuous representation of measurements. Unlike traditional DL methods that learn a mapping from the measurements to the desired image, CoIL trains a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to encode the complete measurement field by mapping the coordinates of the measurements to their responses. CoIL is a self-supervised method that requires no training examples besides the measurements of the test object itself. 



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