TASLP Volume 31 | 2023

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TASLP Volume 31 | 2023

This study proposes a cross-domain multi-objective speech assessment model, called MOSA-Net, which can simultaneously estimate the speech quality, intelligibility, and distortion assessment scores of an input speech signal. MOSA-Net comprises a convolutional neural network and bidirectional long short-term memory architecture for representation extraction, and a multiplicative attention layer and a fully connected layer for each assessment metric prediction. Additionally, cross-domain features (spectral and time-domain features) and latent representations from self-supervised learned (SSL) models are used as inputs to combine rich acoustic information to obtain more accurate assessments.

This paper introduces a new framework for non-parallel emotion conversion in speech. Our framework is based on two key contributions. First, we propose a stochastic version of the popular Cycle-GAN model. Our modified loss function introduces a Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence term that aligns the source and target data distributions learned by the generators, thus overcoming the limitations of sample-wise generation. By using a variational approximation to this stochastic loss function, we show that our KL divergence term can be implemented via a paired density discriminator.

In automatic speech recognition (ASR) research, discriminative criteria have achieved superior performance in DNN-HMM systems. Given this success, the adoption of discriminative criteria is promising to boost the performance of end-to-end (E2E) ASR systems. With this motivation, previous works have introduced the minimum Bayesian risk (MBR, one of the discriminative criteria) into E2E ASR systems. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of the MBR-based methods are compromised: the MBR criterion is only used in system training, which creates a mismatch between training and decoding;

Emotional voice conversion (VC) aims to convert a neutral voice to an emotional one while retaining the linguistic information and speaker identity. We note that the decoupling of emotional features from other speech information (such as content, speaker identity, etc.) is the key to achieving promising performance. Some recent attempts of speech representation decoupling on the neutral speech cannot work well on the emotional speech, due to the more complex entanglement of acoustic properties in the latter. 

Detection of speech and music signals in isolated and overlapped conditions is an essential preprocessing step for many audio applications. Speech signals have wavy and continuous harmonics, while music signals exhibit horizontally linear and discontinuous harmonic patterns. Music signals also contain more percussive components than speech signals, manifested as vertical striations in the spectrograms.


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