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Society News

Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.

All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields.

Nominate an IEEE member for Fellow. It will be one of the high points in their career. The nomination period for the 2018 Fellow Class is open and will continue through 1 March 2017.

Visit the IEEE Fellow Program web page for nominee eligibility requirements, steps to become an IEEE Fellow, nomination instructions, and much more.

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President Alex Acero in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of President-Elect for the term 1 January 2018-31 December 2019 and Vice President-Conferences and Vice President-Publications for the term 1 January 2018-31 December 2020.

The IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal is being presented to H. Vincent Poor of Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.  IEEE selected Dr. Poor to receive the award, "for fundamental contributions to signal processing and its application to digital communications". The Alexander Graham Bell Medal is given for exceptional contributions to communications and networking sciences and engineering.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2017 in New Orleans, USA.

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing. Listing of all conferences

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 57 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. Senior Member is the only membership grade that is eligible to be nominated for IEEE Fellow. The new Senior Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society are:


IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC. Visit the SPS Job Submission Form.

Please visit the Conferences and Events page on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website for upcoming Lectures by Distinguished Lecturers.


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