March 2010

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

March 2010

The IEEE Signal Processing Society invites nominations for the positions of Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.  The nomination deadline has been extended to 1 April 2010.

IEEE issued its 2010 Call for Proposals for the Real-World Engineering Projects (RWEP).  The goal of the RWEP program is to provide university educators of electrical engineering (EE), computer engineering (CE), computer science (CS), biomedical engineering (BE) and electrical engineering technology (EET) world-wide with a library of high-quality, tested, hands-on team-based society-focused projects for first-year students.

The Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM TC) aims at illuminating and exploring signal processing challenges in communications and networking. The SPCOM TC is pleased to welcome several new members, and thank three retiring members for their contribution. The SPCOM TC joined forces with the SAM TC joined forces in organizing two joint sessions at ICASSP 2010. The TC's flagship event is the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). This year's SPAWC10 will be held June 20-23, 2010, in Marrakech, Morocco.

Thomas Kailath Thomas Kailath of Stanford University (Standford, CA) has been selected to receive the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category "Information and Communication Technologies".

The 2010 IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award is being presented to Sadaoki Furui; the IEEE Control Systems Award is being presented to Graham Clifford Goodwin; and the IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award is being presented to Alan N. Willson, Jr.

The Steering Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) invites proposals to host the 2011 and 2012 conference editions. With typically around 1000 submissions and 500 participants each year, ICME has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000.


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