Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing

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The challenge will consider the problem of distant multi-microphone conversational speech recognition in everyday home environments. Speech material was elicited using a dinner party scenario with efforts taken to capture data that is representative of natural conversational speech.

Recently, substantial progress has been made in the field of reverberant speech signal processing, including both single- and multi-channel de-reverberation techniques, and automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniques robust to reverberation. REVERB (REverberant Voice Enhancement and Recognition Benchmark) challenge that provides an opportunity to the researchers in the field to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of their methods based on a common database and on common evaluation metrics.

The ACE Challenge was part of the programme of Challenges organised by the IEEE Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee. The aim of this challenge was to evaluate state-of-the-art algorithms for blind acoustic parameter estimation from speech and to promote the emerging area of research in this field. Participants will evaluate their algorithms for T60 and DRR estimation against the ‘ground truth’ values provided with the data-sets. Furthermore, they are expected to present the results in a paper describing the method used.

The workshop aims to provide a venue for researchers working on computational analysis of sound events and scene analysis to present and discuss their results. We aim to bring together researchers from many different universities and companies with interest in the topic, and provide the opportunity for scientific exchange of ideas and opinions. The workshop is organized as a satellite event to the 2016 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

The IEEE Signal Processing Society announced the fourth edition of the Signal Processing Cup: a real-time beat tracking challenge. The beat is a salient periodicity in a music signal. It provides a fundamental unit of time and foundation for the temporal structure of the music. As Meinard Müller says (Fundamentals of Music Processing, Springer, 2015), “It is the beat that drives music forward and provides the temporal framework of a piece of music. Intuitively, the beat corresponds to the pulse a human taps along when listening to music.”

The IEEE AASP Challenge on acoustic source LOCalization And TrAcking (LOCATA) aims at providing researchers in source localization and tracking with a framework to objectively benchmark results against competing algorithms using a common, publicly released data corpus that encompasses a range of realistic scenarios in an enclosed acoustic environment. Data corresponding to the LOCATA challenge

DIHARD II is the second in a series of diarization challenges focusing on "hard" diarization; that is, speaker diarization for challenging recordings where there is an expectation that the current state-of-the-art will fare poorly.

The Interspeech 2019 Computational Paralinguistics ChallengE (ComParE) is an open Challenge dealing with states and traits of speakers as manifested in their speech signal’s properties.

Books & Other Material

Technical Committee Books and Other Material

The AASP TC is actively supporting the educational activities of the IEEE SPS. This website provides links to some of these activities and resources.



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