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Approved September 2000.
Revised and approved February 2008.
Revised and approved December 2010.
Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP-TC).
To promote the advancement of multimedia signal processing technology.
The fields of interests of the MMSP-TC shall be those of the signal processing society with special emphasis on the interaction, coordination, synchronization, and joint processing of multimedia and multi-modality signals.
The MMSP-TC shall be governed by the Signal Processing Society Bylaws and the Signal Processing Society Policies and Procedures, with any additional Bylaws set forth herein, and any additional Policies and Procedures set forth in the MMSP-TC Policies and Procedures.
Approved September 2000.
Revised and approved February 2008.
Revised and approved December 2010.
Revised and approved July 2011.
The TC shall be governed by the Signal Processing Society Bylaws and the Signal Processing Society Policies and Procedures. Relevant portions of these documents are cited and reproduced (as of October 2010) below for context. Additional Policies and Procedures specific to the MMSP-TC are highlighted.
The Technical Committee shall promote activities within its area of technical interest and shall provide expertise and assistance as follows:
Procedure:TC Chair, upon request of the conference technical program chair, shall coordinate the paper review for ICASSP, ICME, and other SPS sponsored conferences within the technical field of interests of MMSP-TC. All current TC members shall participate in paper review.
Procedure: For IEEE workshops operated by the MMSP-TC, TC Chair shall appoint a conference and workshop subcommittee to prepare a call for workshop proposals, which will be reviewed by the TC and made publicly available. Responses to the call will be evaluated by the TC members, and the final selection of future workshop venues shall be determined by majority vote among TC members. While the active involvement of TC members in the organizing committee is strongly encouraged, those members that are listed as part of the organizing committee shall abstain from voting.
For other workshops, the MMSP-TC may consider technical co-sponsorship, which indicates direct and substantial involvement in the organization of the technical program, but no financial involvement. Technical co-sponsorship of a workshop by the MMSP-TC shall require active support from at least one-third of the voting members, which implies a willingness to review papers for the workshop and assist in the organization of the technical program. In addition, at least three members of the TC must be on the workshop’s organizing committee.
For ICME, the TC elects one Technical Program Co-Chair to each ICME Organizing Committee. Further, the TC endorses nominees for recommendation by the TC Chair to the Society President for appointment to the ICME Steering Committee. The nominations are processed by the Nominations subcommittee.
Procedure: TC Chair shall appoint an awards subcommittee to process nominations for SPS society award, technical achievement award, meritorious service award, and SPS paper awards within the technical field of interests of MMSP-TC. Nomination processing includes calling for nominations from inside and outside the TC, collecting nominations, conducting voting among the TC members, and sending endorsed nominations to the SPS Awards Board. Self-nominations shall not be accepted. Subcommittee and TC members who are the subject of a nomination shall be recused from the process. Support from at least half of the voting members is required for nomination of paper and service awards.
Procedure: TC Chair will keep contact with EICs of SPS Transactions, SP letters, and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, as well as the editor of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, to recommend qualified associate editors and reviewers who need not be a current MMSP-TC member.
Procedure: Upon request by IEEE or recommendation of TC members, TC Chair shall appoint ad hoc subcommittee to participate in the standard development activities.
Policy: Other duties of membership include:
- Attending TC meetings at ICASSP and either ICME or the MMSP workshop.
- Participating in election of new members and Chair, voting on the nominations for Society awards, and selection of MMSP workshop venues.
Policy: The MMSP-TC shall have no more than 32 regular members.
Policy: Associate Members in any given year will include the EIC of the Transactions on Multimedia, the two representatives to the ICME Steering Committee, the General Chairs of the MMSP workshops in the previous year and all subsequent years if known, and the Technical Co-Chairs (representing the Signal Processing Society) of ICME in the current year and all subsequent years if known, if they are not already Members.
Awards Subcommittee. Members of this subcommittee preferably should include IEEE Fellows or individuals that have received an award as to bring experience to the Awards nominations process. This committee collects nominations from Technical Committee members and the community as a whole (nomination process is open) and narrows down the list, with the final names being voted on by the Technical Committee, which then passes its recommendations to the Awards Board. This procedure applies for all the SPS awards and Distinguished Lecturers. This subcommittee will also identify Senior Members that are considered qualified for elevation to Fellow and help find an individual that can nominate the candidate (neither the subcommittee nor the TC will nominate or endorse Fellow candidates). The Chair of this subcommittee would act as a liaison to the Society’s Awards Board.
Nominations and Elections Subcommittee. Membership in the nominations subcommittee is restricted to elected Technical Committee members. The role of this subcommittee is to collect nominations for Technical Committee members and Vice Chair positions, and conduct the election process. The Nominations Subcommittee shall ensure that the candidate pool for new TC members represents the diversity of SPS members in the Technical Committee area, which includes: gender, geographic, academic/industry, junior/senior, etc. This subcommittee will also process nominations for representatives to the ICME Steering Committee and Technical Program Co-Chairs to the ICME Organizing Committees, and help nominate Associate Editor candidates to relevant Editors-in-Chief in the Society.
Conference and Workshops Subcommittee. This involves soliciting proposals for workshops, helping volunteers with access to historical data regarding workshops and best practices, as well as putting in place a process to ensure there are enough proposals in time for voting and TC decision making.
Technical Directions Subcommittee. This subcommittee identifies future trends and directions in multimedia signal processing and promotes the vitality and growth of the MMSP-TC. In addition, this subcommittee manages and maintains the EDICS for the TC and ensures it is being used consistently in all TC related conferences and workshops. Further, this subcommittee works with the Editor-in-Chiefs of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and the various SP Society Transactions to ensure that MMSP areas are accurately represented in the EDICS of these Transactions.
Industry/Government Subcommittee. This involves supporting the Membership Board in industry and government activities. Responsibilities include forwarding information to relevant members from industry and the government, who are interested in activities of the Technical Committee and keeping them involved, as appropriate. Responsibilities include liaison with the Industry DSP standing Committee.
Webmaster Subcommittee. This subcommittee maintains the Technical Committee web site together with SPS staff.
Newsletter Subcommittee. The newsletter shall include open calls for new Technical Committee members and TC Vice Chair-elect, plus information on SPS elections, the Society’s e-newsletter, as well as other information such as relevant Calls for Papers. The Speech and Language TC newsletter is a good example.
Area Chairs. A Technical Committee may have several Area Chairs within their Technical Committee. Such Area Chairs shall normally be elected Technical Committee members and shall drive the review of papers for that area submitted to the Society’s conferences and workshops. Each Area Chair will have a number of reviewers, which shall normally include elected, Associate and Affiliate Technical Committee Members. Other responsibilities may include proposal of special sessions and special issues in that area.
Student Subcommittee. This subcommittee will be formed by students, either elected members or Affiliate TC members. The Chair of the Student Subcommittee will be a Student. This subcommittee may provide tutorials for students, courses, networking events, access to job postings, student grants, and other activities of interest to students.
Education Subcommittee. Responsibilities of the subcommittee include liaison with the Signal Processing Education Technical Committee, and creation of content of interest to SPS members involved in the Technical Committee that is not appropriate for publication in the Society’s conferences and periodicals (such as tutorial style articles on Wikipedia or Connexions, etc).
Four Regional Representatives. (Regions 1-6, Regions 7/9, Region 8, and Region 10). The four regional representatives shall support the Society’s Regional Directors-at-Large in the area of expertise of the Technical Committee. The representatives shall promote and foster local activities of that Technical Committee (such as conferences and meetings) and encourage new chapter development; publicize the activities of the Technical Committee in that region and help attract members from that region to the Technical Committee.
Other. The TC is free to create other subcommittees to cover areas that have not been specifically addressed in the above list.
Policy. The technical committee will meet twice a year: once during ICASSP, and once during either ICME or the MMSP workshop organized by the TC.
Procedure: Let N be the number of open slots. (1) Each TC member may cast up to N votes for his/her preferred candidates (called preference votes). (2) Each TC member should vote on approval for EACH candidate (called approval votes) to indicate if he/she approves that candidate for the TC assuming that candidate is one of the top N vote receivers. Successful candidates (max of N) are those with both (a) the most number of preference votes, which is not necessarily greater than half TC members, and (b) approval votes from at least half of the members with voting rights. The number of approval votes will be considered in breaking ties. Any remaining ties will be broken by the TC Chair.