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If you are interested in ASPS activities, join as an Affiliate Member.
If you are interested to join the ASPS TC, there is currently a Call-for-Nominations.
Nominations should be e-mailed to Membership Committee, Wenbo Ding at
The deadline to receive nominations is September 30, 2024.
Nominations are open to all IEEE SPS members in good standing. New member candidates can be self-nominated or nominated by Technical Committee members. Members will serve a term of three-years. Past Technical Committee members are eligible to be nominated for a second term. Current Technical Committee members may also be nominated for a second consecutive term, but are not eligible to vote in the new member election and cannot be part of the Nominations and Elections Subcommittee for that election. Additional terms are allowed, but at least a 3-year gap in service is required.
Nomination emails should provide the following information:
1. Biography with a statement from the nominee expressing their willingness to serve on the ASPS TC and perform the duties described in the Society Bylaws and Policies and Procedures, if elected.
2. A seperate document that details synergistic activities relevant to the TC: a. list of submissions to or papers published at the ASPS track of ICASSP and SiPS. b. TC meeting attendance. c. review activities for the ASPA track of ICASSP and SiPS. d. Other TC-related activities.
3. Name(s) of nominator(s). (Self-nomination is allowed, i.e., nominee and nominator is the same person. Other nominees must be current ASPS TC members. There should be no more than two nominators.)
TC members are expected to (1) publish papers at the ASPS track of ICASSP and SiPS regularly, (2) attend TC meetings regularly (ASPS has two TC meetings every year, one in ICASSP and the other in SiPS), (3) actively participate in the paper review for the ASPS track of ICASSP and SiPS and (4) participate in other technical activities related to the TC.
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