Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter Archives: November 2007

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter Archives: November 2007


  • Society named Chellappa, De Mori, Djuric, Reibman, and Sidiropoulos 2008 Distinguished Lecturers

  • Conference News: Access the latest work and plenary talks given at MMSP'07

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPM and SPS journals

  • TC News: SPCOM TC officially extends its scope to Communications and Networking

  • Chapter News: Upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures and local chapter activities

  • New Trends: Mobile broadband WiMax standard and Quantum-dot imaging

  • Research Funding Opportunities in EU on Information & Communication Challenges

  • New PhD Theses, New Books, and Scholarship/Post-doc Opportunities 

PDF icon eNews200711.pdf

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