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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Xiaoli Ma - SPTM TC Liaison to eNews
The Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee (SPTM TC) promotes activities in the technical areas of theory and methods of digital and statistical signal processing. The 2009 edition of the TC-sponsored IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing was held in Cardiff, UK, between 31st August and 3rd September 2009. The event was very well attended with almost 250 attendees, who enjoyed six keynote talks from leading international researchers, including Athina Petropulu, Lajos Hanzo, Pierre Comon, Deliang Wang, Abdelhak Zoubir and Jean-Philippe Thiran, in order of presentation. A number of tutorials and special sessions were organized and performed. The acceptance rate for papers was around 60%, with 200 papers presented at the event. Many delegates commented how much they enjoyed the architectural elegance of the buildings in Cardiff in which the workshop was held, and the Welsh cakes were a real hit during the refreshment breaks! Other features include prestigious opening ceremony, free hot lunches, a well arranged welcome reception, a memorable gala dinner in the famous Celtic Manor Resort, and bags and goodies.
The 14th IEEE SPS Workshop on DSP and SP Education will take place in Sedona, Arizona, USA in 2010. The goals of the workshops are to unite top researchers from around the world to discuss novel signal processing theories and methods, and to bring together world-class educators and thinkers to discuss all aspects of signal processing education. The DSP/SPE Workshops feature prominent plenary speakers from the signal processing community as well as technical sessions for presenting contributed papers.
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