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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Wan-Chi Siu, ICIP General Chair
The 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP2010 will be held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from September 26 to 29, 2010.
The conference will bring together more than 1400 researchers, scientists and engineers in image processing from around the world to what is expected to be the largest gathering of researchers in the forefront of image processing research. The organizing committee received a record number of 2545 paper submissions from 44 countries, and from these, selected 1185 papers for inclusion in a packed program during the three full days of the conference.
Hong Kong is a modern metropolitan city, an international travel hub supported by a well developed hospitality industry to host visitors from all over the world. Late September is the best time to visit Hong Kong to enjoy the transition from summer to autumn. For more information about the conference please visit .
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