IEEE Meeting & Conference Management (MCM)

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

IEEE Meeting & Conference Management (MCM)

Did you know that IEEE Meetings & Conferences (M&C) has experienced and knowledgeable meeting professionals on staff, ready to assist you when planning a conference?

As part of the support resources provided to conference organizers by IEEE, a team of skilled and professional, fee based event planners is available to you - MCM (Meeting & Conference Management). They can help you plan your event by providing subject matter expertise in areas such as credit card processing to ensure you meet PCI Compliance standards; supplier contracting best practices; food and beverage planning tips; plus, virtually any other areas you might need guidance or support.

MCM can also function as part of your planning team, providing as much or as little support as you need. Reach out to in-house experts to answer questions you may have when planning your event.

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