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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The research group SMACS (Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Communication Systems) of the department TELIN (Telecommunications and Information Processing) of Ghent University has an open position for a motivated PhD student.
The research of SMACS mainly concentrates on the stochastic modelling, the design and the performance analysis of various subsystems of telecommunication networks, with specific emphasis on the analysis of the behaviour of the buffers present in these systems. Current research projects concern a.o. the analysis and the optimization of energy efficient protocols for wireless networks (WiMAX and LTE), the study of mechanisms for dynamic spectrum access in wireless cognitive radio networks, and the design and the performance analysis of gradual priority scheduling techniques for packet-based networks. Also research is planned on the modelling of traffic mode interchange nodes in transportation networks, where travellers can switch to various means of transportation (in the framework of shared mobility). The research of SMACS mainly uses techniques from probability and queueing theory, but also involves optimization and simulation techniques.
Position description:
Starting date:
As soon as possible.
How to apply:
In case you are interested, please send your application including curriculum vitae and overview of study results (per year) to Prof. Sabine Wittevrongel,
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