SPS Launches ChinaSIP as an Outreach to China

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

SPS Launches ChinaSIP as an Outreach to China

By Min Wu (Chair, ChinaSIP Steering Committee) and
      Thomas Fang Zheng and Zhi Ding (ChinaSIP 2013 General Chairs)


ChinaSIP is a new initiative launched by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) in 2012. The goal is twofold:  ChinaSIP provides a platform for SPS to engage colleagues working in the signal and information processing (SIP) field in China, by building a technical community with domestic and international colleagues and providing a ladder to help China’s SIP professionals reach the global stage; in the mean time, ChinaSIP offers global colleagues opportunities to network and develop international collaborations, and broaden the visibility and impact of their R&D work.

Organizationally, the ChinaSIP initiative is overseen by a steering committee consisting of a balanced group of domestic colleagues and global leaders.  To facilitate community building, a set of groups are being established to bring together colleagues with similar technical interests or career sectors (such as students and recent graduates, industry colleagues, and women professionals,).  These groups will follow the best practices from the global community, and actively contribute to the ChinaSIP activities.

An annual event in the same acronym of ChinaSIP, or the IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, is a centerpiece of major recurring activities.  The first ChinaSIP Summit and Conference will be held in Beijing in 6-10 July 2013.  ChinaSIP 2013 will feature a rich set of academic/research oriented programs as well as programs to engage industry. Activities currently under planning include:

  • An elite group of plenary and invited speakers to share technical and professional insights;
  • Technical tracks with invited papers, open calls and trends/overview talks;
  • Summer school/tutorial program on recent technical advances and hands-on practices;
  • Networking opportunities with leaders in the global SIP community;
  • Professional development panels to demystify issues of interests to many colleagues, such as paths to become Associate Editors and IEEE Fellows, how to engage with global SIP community, and insights from high-impact SIP research, programs, or products, etc.

You can learn more about ChinaSIP 2013 at its website: http://www.chinasip2013.org/.  Paper submission will be open later this fall, with instructions on the website for submitting regular papers (due 10 January 2013) or requesting to present an overview poster of your recent work published in one of the SPS journals (due 1 February 2013).  Many opportunities will also be announced for institutions and companies to support this inaugural ChinaSIP 2013.


If you are interested in getting involved and contribute to ChinaSIP, please do not hesitate to contact us (Contact email:  minwu AT umd.edu,  fzheng AT tsinghua.edu.cn, zding.ucdavis AT gmail.com).   We look forward to meeting you at the first ChinaSIP in Beijing, China, in July 2013!




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