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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
All Section Officers and Chapter/Affinity Group Chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate:
Geographic unit Treasurers are responsible for recording the financial activity of their unit and any sub-units (Subsections, Chapters, and/or Affinity Groups) using NetSuite. Original year-end bank statements and investment-account statements (not IEEE Concentration Banking and Investment Accounts) must be provided. Please upload copies of those documents via the MGA Compliance Reporting Web page Financial activity should be accurately entered into NetSuite as soon as possible, but no later than 31 March 2013. A 10% rebate bonus will be made to units that complete the reporting requirements by 15 February 2013. Additional information on Annual Reporting and the 2013 Rebate Schedule are available. If you have questions, please e-mail MGA staff with questions.
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