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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Bio-Inspired Synchronization and Sensors for Enhancing Situational Awareness
Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies
University of California, Santa Barbara
There is a project opening for summer 2013 to work on an Army-funded project on synchronization protocols for wireless sensor networks. The project is a collaboration between Army research labs, an industry partner, and our academic group. The work will involve design and field testing of the protocol. Preliminary work from that collaboration is described in the recent paper at the IEEE ISPCS conference this fall:
Candidates for this position should have a Ph.D. Degree in Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related disciplines with experience or extensive exposure to network control, synchronization, and/or wireless network protocols. Strong oral and written communication skills are a requisite.
UCSB offers competitive salary and benefits. Applicants should send a CV, a statement of their professional interests (not longer than 1 page) and the names, e-mail addresses of at least three technical references to:
Professor Francis J. Doyle III
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
Submission of application material by e-mail is strongly encouraged.
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