The Signal Processing Education Network

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

The Signal Processing Education Network

The Signal Processing Education Network (SPEN) was created to break away from traditional education approaches and build a new framework where a vibrant network of educators and students collaborates to unify and strengthen the SP curriculum,

make it more open and interactive, and share best practices.

SPEN participants are using the following online tools to transform education:

  • Connexions: One of the world's largest and most popular open education resources.
  • The IEEE Signal Processing Society/Connexions Project: A collaboration between the SPS and Connexions to provide quality control peer-evaluation of signal processing curricula in Connexions.
  • Interactive Simulations: Free and openly available interactive simulations provide students the ability to explore SP topics from a hands-on approach.
  • Question and Answer Databases of SP problems can be easily integrated into the curriculum and help instructors track student progress.

To learn more about SPEN, please visit

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