IEEE-USA Offers Free e-Books to Members in October, November, and December

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

IEEE-USA Offers Free e-Books to Members in October, November, and December

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of October, IEEE-USA is offering "The Best of Backscatter from IEEE-USA Today’s Engineer – Volume 2." Compiled from 12 original IEEE-USA Today's Engineer columns, author and IEEE Fellow Donald Christiansen continues to tackle topics that affect engineers today with wit, wisdom, humor, and his own unique perspective.

Download now (PDF, 3.2 MB; free to IEEE members; US$9.99 for non-members)

In November, IEEE-USA will offer “Writing for Success – An Engineer’s Guide – Volume 2: The Road to Excellence,” by Tom Moran. In Volume 2 of this series, Moran points out that the road to writing excellence is filled with revisions. Moran emphasizes that writers must thoroughly examine what they write; ask questions to ensure their information is accurate, complete, logical, and clear; and most importantly – that the information is necessary, or needed. Further, he writes that checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors is a must.

Download now (PDF, 2.9 MB; free to IEEE members; US$9.99 for non-members)

For the month of December, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "Starting Your Start-Up – Book 2: Market Size & Strategy," by Tanya Candia. This e-book helps the reader to flesh out the initial plan for a startup company or business. This volume assists the reader in finding real market size, even when dealing with disruptive technology, where market size data is hard to come by. Candia also helps entrepreneurs to understand target buyers, communicate the value of products and services, and increase the probability of early and ongoing sales. Look for the special link on 1 December.

To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Accounts.

IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, e-mail your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA E-Book Chair Gus Gaynor, or IEEE-USA Publishing Manager Georgia C. Stelluto.

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