vTools Release Announcement; WebEx Updates

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vTools Release Announcement; WebEx Updates

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications:

  • Meetings 5.0
  • WebInABox 3.0
  • Student Branch Reporting 1.4
  • Surveys 1.3

These applications have been updated to a newer software version. In addition, each application now utilizes the new IEEE Style Sheet in order to comply with the IEEE Web site requirements and style guide. This includes a "Sign in" option available in the upper-right corner of the Web browser and an update to the background color to use the IEEE brand color.

vTools.Meetings version 5.0 introduces usability and interface enhancements, including:

  • the "Schedule Meeting" form, "Meeting Report" form, and "Meeting Announcement" layout have been updated to illustrate different sections by adding a range of colors and labeling the sections;
  • WYSIWYG editors have been included on the "Schedule Meeting" and "Meeting Report" forms to provide more formatting features to enhance the meeting results display.

WebEx Update

The WebEx conferencing tool has recently been updated to the WebEx Meeting Center platform WBS29.11.

Visit the vTools Blog for a summary of the changes included in the new release

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