News from the Speech and Language Processing TC

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

News from the Speech and Language Processing TC

Published in TC News on 1 April 2016

by Florian Metze (Reposted from the SLTC Newsletter)

Welcome to the Spring 2016 edition of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee's Newsletter! This issue of the newsletter includes 5 articles and announcements from 6 contributors, including our own staff reporters and editors. Thank you all for your contributions!

We believe the newsletter is an ideal forum for updates, reports, announcements and editorials which don't fit well with traditional journals. We welcome your contributions, as well as calls for papers, job announcements, comments and suggestions. You can submit job postings here, submit Calls for Papers or Participation here, and send mail to to propose articles.
To subscribe to the Newsletter, send an email with the command "subscribe speechnewsdist" in the message body to


Florian Metze, Editor-in-chief
Haizhou Li, Editor
Andrew Rosenberg, Editor
Izhak Shafran, Editor


From The Editor

Looking Back as Editor of the SLTC Newsletter

Florian Metze

CFPs, Jobs, and Announcements

Calls for Papers, Proposals, and Participation

Edited by Andrew Rosenberg

Job Advertisements

Edited by Andrew Rosenberg


Shanghainese, a representative of the Wu dialect in China


Shanghainese, also known as the Shanghai or Hu dialect, is a form of Wu dialect spoken in the central districts of Shanghai and in the surrounding region. Wu speakers represented about 8% of the total Chinese population by 1984. Shanghainese is a proper representative dialect of Northern Wu and in English "Shanghainese" sometimes refers to all Wu dialects. With nearly 14 million speakers, it is also the largest single form of Wu Chinese. Shanghainese, like other Wu dialects, is largely unintelligible with other varieties of Chinese such as Mandarin.

An Overview of ASRU 2015


The Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU) was recently hosted in Scottsdale, Arizona from December 9-13, 2015. The conference included lectures and poster sessions in a variety of speech and signal processing areas. The Best Paper award was given to Suman Ravuri of UC Berkley for his paper "Hybrid DNN-Latent Structured SVM Acoustic models for Continuous Speech Recognition". In this article, we go through the main themes during each day.

A Brief Review of NIPS 2015


The twenty ninth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), a single track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference, was held in Montreal, during a relatively balmy winter week, spanning December 7th to 12th. The conference saw a record number of registered attendees in all three categories -- tutorials, conference, and workshops; and the number of attendees in tutorial more than doubled since last year!

Table of Contents:

Research Opportunities


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