Member Discounts Program Benefits Everyone

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Top Reasons to Join SPS Today!

1. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
2. Signal Processing Digital Library*
3. Inside Signal Processing Newsletter
4. SPS Resource Center
5. Career advancement & recognition
6. Discounts on conferences and publications
7. Professional networking
8. Communities for students, young professionals, and women
9. Volunteer opportunities
10. Coming soon! PDH/CEU credits
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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Member Discounts Program Benefits Everyone

Here are three facts to tell members about the IEEE Member Discounts Program:

  1. Insurance is available in Canada, US, and 63 other countries.
  2. IEEE Member discount programs offer daily discounted rates and exclusive specials (see discounts for applicable countries).
  3. When Members utilize the insurance and discounts, IEEE earns royalties that help offset a portion of Member dues.

With this win-win situation, it makes sense to raise awareness of Member Discounts wherever possible. Section officers are asked to display the Member Discounts banner on their Section websites with a direct link to Another way is by distributing the program flyer at Section meetings showing the list of offerings by Region.

Download the above promotional materials at the Member Discounts Resources for Volunteers web page

Table of Contents:

Research Opportunities


IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel