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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE adheres to the highest standards of integrity and conducts business around the world in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on the organization’s behalf -- both our volunteers and employees -- ensure IEEE’s compliance by adhering to the same standards and expectations. IEEE has created a robust ethics and compliance program tailored to its unique operation in 190 countries. Given that the world is both complex and changing, this program is designed to ensure that volunteers and employees understand and meet legal requirements around the world. As part of this program, IEEE requires that select volunteers complete a set of new compliance education and training classes within 60 days of assignment. Volunteers who are required to complete the training will receive an email from "" with the subject line, "Access Your Required IEEE Compliance Training." (See list of volunteers who are affected) The self-paced, online classes will take on average 0.5 to 4.0 hours in total to complete, depending on your individual volunteer role. The content will cover conflict of interest, anti-trust, anti-bribery, harassment, and other related topics. You will need to complete only those classes assigned to you based on your volunteer leadership position. To take this training, log in to myIEEE using your IEEE Account, click on the Volunteer tab, go to the "Volunteer Training" gadget, and click on the link to "Compliance Training.” By taking this training, you help IEEE meet best practices for compliance. As you may be aware, IEEE takes very seriously any violations of policies and standards that could damage IEEE’s business or reputation and result in legal penalties. If you have further questions, please visit the IEEE Support Center for Frequently Asked Questions.
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