ICME 2018 - Call for Tutorials due on September 25, 2017

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

ICME 2018 - Call for Tutorials due on September 25, 2017

Dear SPS members, 

The ICME 2018 organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials. ICME 2018 (http://www.icme2018.org/) will be held in San Diego, USA on July 23-27, 2018. We welcome half-day (about 3 hours each) tutorials on established or emerging topics of interest, including (but not limited to):

  • Big multimedia data design and creation
  • Deep learning for multimedia
  • Multimedia search and recommendation
  • Multimedia content analytics
  • Social and cloud-based multimedia
  • 3D multimedia and AR/VR
  • Multimedia quality assessment and metrics
  • Multi-modal media computing and human-machine interaction
  • Multimedia communications, networking and mobility
  • Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
  • Multimedia software, hardware and application systems
  • Multimedia standards, trends and related issues

Particularly, we are interested in securing a few tutorials focusing on “Data-driven Media Computing”, the theme of ICME 2018.

Proposal Format

Tutorial proposals should be in PDF format and include the following information:

  • Title of the Tutorial
  • Names and Affiliations of the Instructors
  • Area and Keywords of the Tutorial (refer to the above list of topics)
  • 300-word Abstract (for publicity and registration purposes)
  • Full Description of the Tutorial (no more than 4 pages, including the learning objectives, tutorial outline, detailed modules, target audience, prerequisite knowledge required, importance and relevance of the tutorial, etc.)
  • CV’s for the Instructors (no more than 4 pages each, including publications relevant to the proposed tutorial and list of tutorials given before in other conferences/workshops)

Important Dates

  • Tutorial submission deadline: September 25, 2017
  • Tutorial acceptance notification: October 2, 2017

It will be greatly appreciated if you can forward this Call-for-Tutorials email to researchers who might be interested in and encourage submission of tutorials.

Thanks a lot for your kind help.  Please let us know if you have further questions or comments. 

ICME 2018 Organizing Committee

Tutorial Chairs: Z. Jane Wang and Vicky Zhao


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