Fundamentals of Signal Enhancement and Array Signal Processing

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Fundamentals of Signal Enhancement and Array Signal Processing

This book is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of signal enhancement and array signal processing, including Matlab codes, exercises, and instructor and solution manuals. Written as a course textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students, it contains a total of 11 chapters, which cover single-channel signal enhancement and multichannel signal enhancement in the time and frequency domains.

Other important topics include linear filtering for signal enhancement, fixed beamforming, adaptive beamforming, differential beamforming, and beamforming for broadband signals.

  • Systematically introduces the fundamental principles, theory and applications of signal enhancement and array signal processing in an accessible manner
  • Offers an updated and relevant treatment of array signal processing with rigor and concision
  • Features a companion website that includes presentation files with lecture notes, homework exercises, course projects, solution manuals, instructor manuals, and Matlab codes for the examples in the book

About the Author

Jacob Benesty, INRS, University of Quebec, Canada

Israel Cohen, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Jingdong Chen, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

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