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Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Special Issue on Trustworthiness in Social Multimedia Analytics and Delivery: Models, Technologies, Privacy, and Applications

With the rapid development of multimedia technologies and the popularization of social networks, social multimedia content is being delivered to more and more users with a high quality of experience (QoE). However, as a huge amount of social users have ever-increasing demands to share and exchange multimedia content with each other, the current social multimedia analytics and delivery need to deal with various attacks perpetrated by malicious users or through spam content. Therefore trust and risk management for social multimedia based on the social tie become of prime importance when facing unpredicted threats and subsequent damage, which may cause significant economic loss or large-scale social manipulation. Therefore, how to provide a trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery has become an important new challenge. 

Trust-based social multimedia analytics and delivery can be used to motivate social users to positively contribute content sharing and penalize adversaries who try to disrupt the delivery of social multimedia. Trust-based social multimedia analytics and delivery has received increasing demands and keen research attentions. This special issue solicits state-of-the-art research advances in trustworthiness to deliver social multimedia. The issue welcomes both academic and industrial researchers to discuss recent results and provide solutions to the above-mentioned challenges.

We invite submissions of high-quality papers on original research, which have not been published previously.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Models, algorithms, and designs for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Network-assisted rate adaptation for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Trust based privacy protection for social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Cost and resource allocation for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Edge multimedia computing or trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Trust, and risk simulations for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Malware and virus detection for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Network and cloud support for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Software tools and techniques for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery
  • Reliability and stability for trustworthy social multimedia analytics and delivery

Important Dates:
- Manuscript Due: July 1st, 2018
- First Notification: October 1st, 2018
- Revised Manuscript: December 1st, 2018
- Notification of Acceptance: January 1st, 2018
- Camera Ready Paper Due: January 15th, 2019
- Publication Date: March 2019

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