Call for Nominations: Distinguished Industry Speakers and Distinguished Lecturers

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Nominations: Distinguished Industry Speakers and Distinguished Lecturers

Bjorn Ottersten





Bjorn Ottersten
Awards Board Chair

Deadline: 31 May 2018

The IEEE Signal Processing Society invites nominations for the new SPS Distinguished Industry Speaker (DIS) Program and the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program. Please note that the Distinguished Industry Speaker positions will supplement the regular Distinguished Lecturer Program.  The Distinguished Industry Speaker Program will closely mirror the DL Program.  However, the main difference and goal of the DIS Program is to educate and interact with Society members about topics that are of primary importance to industry and the signal processing community-at-large.  The speakers will focus their presentations on industrial applications in the signal processing area of interest to practicing engineers and stress practical issues. The DISs will be available to all SPS Chapters, as are DLs, but lectures will be focused on current and future issues, applications and/or activities in industry. The deadline for nominations for the DL and DIS positions is 31 May 2018. The DL nomination form can be found here and the DIS nomination form can be found here.

Candidates for the Distinguished Lecturer and Distinguished Industry Speaker Programs should be members of the IEEE and IEEE Signal Processing Society, who are recognized experts and who are capable of delivering a message of importance to the technical community, as well as to the Society’s members organized in chapters around the world. Distinguished Industry Speakers should also have a background in industrial applications in the signal processing area and are well versed in the ongoing issues/activities in industry.

Each year, up to ten (10) technically diverse and geographically dispersed individuals from each category will serve as IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Industry Speakers. Up to five (5) new individuals from each category will be appointed each year, and their formal term of appointment will be two calendar years. The nomination and selection process is handled by the Society’s Awards Board with the eventual concurrence of the Board of Governors.

The SP Society’s Distinguished Lecturer Program and Distinguished Industry Speaker Program provides means for chapters to have access to individuals who are recognized experts to lecture at Chapter meetings. While many IEEE Societies have similar programs, the SPS provides financial support for the SPS Chapters to take advantage of the service. The Society provides an allotment per category up to $3,500 per SPS Chapter annually to use towards scheduling Society appointed Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Industry Speakers, provided they are pre-approved by the Chapters Coordinator. More details regarding speaker expenses and how to request a speaker can be found here.

Nominations should be submitted to Theresa Argiropoulos (, who will collect the nominations on behalf of Bjorn Ottersten, Awards Board Chair. When making your nomination, please provide the following information:

  • Name of candidate, member number, affiliation, title, contact information;
  • Brief biography or link to the candidate’s web page; information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society activities;
  • The preferred geographic coverage of the lectures and lecture topics;
  • Succinct statement supporting the nomination;
  • The DL/DIS nomination form can be found online at: DL Nomination Form and DIS Nomination form.

Nominations must be received no later than 31 May 2018.


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