New SPS Technical Interest Profile Codes

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

New SPS Technical Interest Profile Codes

Walter KellermannWalter Kellermann
Vice President-Technical Directions


The IEEE Signal Processing Society continues to track emerging technical areas. As a result, the Society has decided to create two new SPS Technical Interest Profile (TIP) Code categories in the fields of Data Science and Autonomous Systems to keep pace with the expanding technical disciplines. As a reminder, TIP Codes are a useful source for IEEE and the Society to determine members' technical interests, which in turn allows us to reach out to members who have expressed an interest in a particular technical discipline.  If you are interested in staying abreast with news and activities in the fields of Data Science and/or Autonomous Systems, please add one or both of these TIP Codes to your Technical Interest Profile.

To update your TIP Code profile, please login to myIEEE with your IEEE Account. This is the same login as Xplore.  You can complete or update your Technical Interest Profile from the myAccount link.



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