Financial, Meeting & Officer Reporting

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Financial, Meeting & Officer Reporting

Please be sure to close out your 2018 meetings in order to qualify for your Chapter rebate. The deadline for submitting annual financial reports is the last day of February, and the deadline for annual officer and meeting reports is 15 March. To be eligible for the 10% bonus, all reporting (financial, meeting, and officer) would have needed to be submitted by the third Friday in February.
Submission Guidelines
Units that meet the basic reporting requirements will earn a rebate payment to support unit operations. The basic reporting requirements are:
Meeting activity - reported using vTools Events
Officer reporting - reported online in vTools Officer Reporting
See the current rebate schedule for a complete explanation of requirements and payment details - should be completed using NetSuite. This tool should act as your Geographic Unit's primary bookkeeping system.
A Chapter/Affinity Group may be dissolved if reports are not submitted for three (3) consecutive years.
Note: Chapters also have a Technical Society "parent." Each Society has different reporting requirements (or may have no requirements at all). Contact your Society officers for more information. 


A Chapter is required to report and file not less than two (2) technical meetings per year. Changes to its roster of officers need to be submitted in a timely manner using electronic reporting tools provided by MGA <>.

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