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Title: Fractional Programming for Communication Systems
Date: 25 March 2022
Time: 09:00 AM Eastern (New York time)
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Presenters: Dr. Kaiming Shen
Based on the IEEE Xplore® article: Fractional Programming for Communication Systems - Part I: Power Control and Beamforming
Published: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, March 2018
Download: Original article will be made freely available for download for 48 hours from the day of the webinar, on IEEE Xplore®
In this talk, we discuss a new transform technique for solving fractional programming (FP), i.e., a family of optimization problems with ratio terms. The classic FP techniques such as the Charnes-Cooper and Dinkelbach’s methods typically deal with a single ratio, and in general, do not work for multiple ratios. This talk will introduce the recent progress in developing FP for multiple ratios and matrix ratios, along with a broad range of applications in communications and signal processing, including energy efficiency enhancement, channel estimation, power control, beamforming, and user scheduling. Furthermore, this talk will discuss the connections of FP to the minorization-maximization, the fixed-point iteration, and the weighted minimum mean-square error algorithm.
Dr. Kaiming Shen received the B.Eng. degree in information security and the B.Sc. degree in mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2011, and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2013 and 2020, respectively.
He has been an Assistant Professor with the School of Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) since 2020. His research interests include wireless communications, information theory, and optimization.
Dr. Shen received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award in 2021.
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