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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the voting members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.
The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 44 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2023:
Farhan A. Baqai, for contributions in leadership in digital camera image processing.
Alfred M. Bruckstein, for contributions to signal representation and swarm robotics.
Carlos A. Busso, for contributions to speech and multimodal affective signal processing and their technology applications.
Patrizio Campisi, for contributions to the development of biometrics.
Constantine Caramanis, for contributions to robust statistics and optimization in high dimensions.
Tsung-Hui Chang, for contributions to distributed optimization methods and their applications in signal processing and wireless communications.
Symeon Chatzinotas, for contributions to precoding technologies for multiple antennas.
Yuejie Chi, for contributions to statistical signal processing with low-dimensional structures.
Harpreet Dhillon, for contributions to heterogeneous cellular networks.
Ayman El-Baz, for contributions to artificial intelligence in medicine.
Peter Gerstoft, for contributions to environmental signal processing and geoacoustic array processing.
Marios Kountouris, for contributions to optimization and multi-antenna techniques in heterogeneous wireless networks.
Zhengguo Li, for contributions to video encoding and streaming optimization and edge-preserving filters.
Wei Liu, for contributions to large-scale machine learning and multimedia intelligence.
Michail Matthaiou, for contributions to fundamental research and practical implementation of massive MIMO.
Gerald Matz, for contributions to signal processing for communications in nonstationary environments.
Florian E. Metze, for contributions to end-to-end training of speech recognition systems.
Chunyan Miao, for contributions to multimodal signal processing and AI technologies for aging-at-home and population health.
Ralf Reiner Müller, for contributions to the design and analysis of large multiantenna and multiple-access systems.
Chandra R. Murthy, for contributions to Bayesian sparse signal recovery and energy harvesting communications.
Kazuhiro Nakadai, for contributions to robot audition and computational auditory scene analysis.
Premkumar Natarajan, for contributions to conversational AI systems, spoken language translation, and home voice-assistant systems.
Hideki Ochiai, for contributions to power and spectral efficient wireless communication.
John Pauly, for contributions to data acquisition and image reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging.
Michael Polley, for leadership in multimedia chipset architectures and mobile camera technologies.
Daniel Povey, for contributions to acoustic modeling for speech recognition.
James Preisig, for contributions to underwater acoustic communication channel modeling, signal processing and performance prediction.
Miguel Raul D. Rodrigues, for contributions to multimodal data processing and foundations of reliable and secure communications.
Stephanie Schuckers, for contributions in biometric recognition systems.
Gonzalo Seco-Granados, for contributions to signal processing for global navigation satellite systems, and 5G localization systems.
Anthony Man-Cho So, for contributions to optimization in signal processing and communications.
Houbing Song, for contributions to big data analytics and integration of AI with Internet of Things.
Changho Suh, for contributions to interference management and distributed storage codes.
Olav Tirkkonen, for contributions in the theory and practice of wireless communications technology and standards.
Xiaoyu Wang, for contributions to video analysis technologies for embedded systems.
Xin Wang, for outstanding contributions to wireless localization and dynamic resource allocation in broadband mobile networks.
Shinji Watanabe, for contributions to speech recognition technology.
Stefan A. Werner, for contributions to in-band full-duplex wireless communication systems and selective data-reuse online learning.
Jason D. Williams, for contributions to the theory and practice of machine-learning-based spoken dialog systems.
Brendt Wohlberg, for contributions to computational imaging and sparse representations.
Shui Yu, for contributions to cyber security and privacy.
Yao Zhao, for contributions to image/video analysis and multimedia content protection.
Yongxing Zhou, for contributions to MIMO Beamforming codebooks and smart spectrum access in wireless networks.
Chengqing Zong, for contributions to machine translation and natural language processing.
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