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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Education & Resources

IEEE Collabratec™ is an integrated online community where technology professionals can network, collaborate, and discover career opportunities. Log into IEEE Collabratec to get started with the Opportunities features:

Read about 6.341x: Discrete-Time Signal Processing which is a free open access self-paced graduate level MOOC (massive open online course). It is based on the residential MIT introductory graduate-level signal processing course that has been taught and continually updated at MIT for over four decades.

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of July, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer"A Living Resume – Volume 1: Documenting Your Accomplishments," by author Harry T. Roman. The Living Resume Series is an evolving story that documents your growth as a professional. Volume 1 of The Living Resume discusses how to document your career accomplishments. The e-book is available 1 July to 15 August.

IEEE Member Discounts offers a suite of services to help members in the USA and Puerto Rico plan and meet their financial goals with myFinancialWellness for IEEE Members. Learn about what myFinancial Wellness can do for you by watching a new video and sampling the self-directed planning tools available to eligible members at no cost.

IEEE Risk Management for Engineers is an online course developed by IEEE, with the needs of business owners, entrepreneurs, consultants, students, and working professionals in mind. The course examines the Risk Management process, including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses and risk mitigation, as well as the value of contracts and professional liability insurance. This course is free exclusively to members. Learn more or take the Risk Management Course

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is pleased to announce upcoming events, leadership summits, and opportunities:

Recharge your resume and gain in-demand skills this summer at, IEEE’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) portal on the edX platform. Learn why smart grids are key to modernizing the current electrical system to optimize the conservation and delivery of power with the new free course, “Smart Grids: Electricity for the Future,” starting on 29 June. Check out “Enterprise Architecture and Essentials of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF® 9.1),” starting 14 July, to discover how to improve IT infrastructure and business efficiency using architectural framework.

The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) is currently soliciting proposals for its 2016 funding opportunities. The IEEE HAC is tasked with supporting the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level. HAC Events: HAC is currently soliciting proposals for the support of elements of events that are aligned with this vision.

MGA is launching its series of events focused on providing career assistance, professional networking, and education on in-demand and emerging technologies for practicing engineers and technical professionals. Registration is now open for two upcoming IEEE Smart Tech Signature Events. Virtual participation is also available with the new live streaming registration option. 30 September - 1 October 2016, in Crystal City, VA, USA. Workshop topics include:

FAU is launching the new elite Master’s degree programme Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering (ASC). The programme is being funded for five years by the Elite Network of Bavaria. All courses are to be taught in English. The ASC Master’s degree programme is intended for outstanding students with a Bachelor’s degree in the field of information and communication engineering.


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