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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

Nominations for the Fellow Class of 2015 are now being accepted. The deadline is 1 March 2014.

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President K. J. Ray Liu in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of Vice President-Conferences and Vice President-Publications for the term 1 January 2015-31 December 2017.

IEEE has announced the 2014 recipients of the IEEE Medals, Prize Papers, Technical Field Awards, Service Awards, Corporate Recognitions and/or Honorary Membership awards. The following Signal Processing Society members received IEEE Awards:

Thankfully, 2013 was a year of many accomplishments for SPS: SPS is experiencing steady membership growth; SPS made tremendous headway on our new open signal processing document database, SigPort; We're making strides toward facilitating knowledge and engagement among Student members; The expansion of SPS conferences is imperative to the visibility of SPS; Special Interest Groups (SIGs) were established; and our publications are flourishing.

In 2014, IEEE will mark its 50th Fellow Class. It represents decades of honoring IEEE Fellows whose extraordinary accomplishments have changed the world.

The goal and overall intent of the SPS Chapter Certification Program is to diagnose and improve the state of Chapters within the Signal Processing Society to address the actual condition in interest, activity level, membership, rate of recruiting, and general activities of the Society Chapters. The Chapter certificate is valid for 4 years.

Benefits: Chapters which are granted with the Certification will receive in the following year:

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board approved a motion that limits the number of years any one individual may serve in any one geographic unit officer position.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Italy Chapter has been selected as the third recipient of the 2013 Chapter of the Year Award!


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