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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

Social media is a powerful way for people to connect. IEEE supports content creation through social media, and encourages stakeholders to use social media for communication, collaboration, data sharing, and content development in a manner that is consistent with the IEEE mission and objectives.

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President Mos Kaveh in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of President-Elect (term 1 January 2014-31 December 2015) and Vice President-Membership (term 1 January 2014-31 December 2016).

Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the members. The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 46 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2013.

The 2012 Annual Reporting and Rebate cycle has begun. All Section Officers and Chapter/Affinity Group Chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate.

IEEE has announced the 2013 recipients of the IEEE Medals, Prize Paper, Service Awards, Corporate Recognitions and/or Honorary Membership awards.

The following six Signal Processing Society members received IEEE Awards:

IEEE FOUNDERS MEDAL to LEO BERANEK (LFIEEE) – Founder (retired), Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Boston, MA, USA

IEEE RICHARD W. HAMMING MEDAL to ARTHUR ROBERT CALDERBANK (FIEEE) – Dean of Natural Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) announced the 2013 Class of Distinguished Lecturers. Five colleagues were honored and they are: Sergio Barbarossa (Sapienza University of Rome); Mauro Barni (University of Siena); Robert Heath Jr. (University of Texas at Austin); V. John Mathews (University of Utah ); and Mari Ostendorf (University of Washington).


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