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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

This year the Signal Processing Society identified 12 Chapters who exhibited excellence in many facets of chapter management, member recruitment, and activities.

The IEEE annual election begins on 15 August and ends on 2 October.  All ballots must be received by 12:00 noon EDT USA/16:00 UTC. The IEEE Signal Processing Society is committed to ensuring that its members are prepared with sufficient information about the candidates in order to make their best-informed decision. 

The IEEE SPS ME-UYR (Mentoring Experiences for Underrepresented Young Researchers) steering committee will launch the second installment of its mentoring program for young IEEE SPS researchers and would like to invite you to join as potential student mentors.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the positions of Awards Board Chair and Fellow Evaluation Committee - Chair and Vice Chair. Nominations should be received no later than 13 July 2023.

The Entrepreneurship Forum & Startup Fair, featured for the second year at ICASSP, the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Sound & Signal Processing. ICASSP is a conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS).

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the positions of Awards Board Chair and Fellow Evaluation Committee - Chair and Vice Chair. Nominations should be received no later than 13 July 2023.

The following volunteers have been named Editors-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Society publications.  The term for these Editors-in-Chief will run from 1 January 2024 through 31 December 2026.

A one-week workshop on “Demystify Women Empowerment: A Societal Practice” was conducted by the Women Development Cell, Gender Cell, IEEE Student Branch and IEEE SPS Chapter of CKPCET in association with IEEE SPS Gujarat Chapter and IEEE Gujarat Section during 3-7 April 2023 under the banner of IEEE Education Week celebration.

Do you have a colleague whose signal processing knowledge and expertise might be of greater interest to the broader Signal Processing Society community? SPS is now soliciting nominations for speakers to serve for two Society programs, Distinguished Lecturer Program (DL) and Distinguished Industry Speaker Program (DIS).

Do you have a colleague whose signal processing knowledge and expertise might be of greater interest to the broader Signal Processing Society community? SPS is now soliciting nominations for speakers to serve for two Society programs, Distinguished Lecturer Program (DL) and Distinguished Industry Speaker Program (DIS).


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