46 SPS Members Elevated to Fellow

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

46 SPS Members Elevated to Fellow

Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the voting members.  To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow.  The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.

The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 46 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2022:

Daniel Abramovitch, for contributions to the development of algorithms for control of mechatronic systems.

Ghassan AlRegib, for contributions to perception-based and context-based visual signal processing.

Shoko Araki, for contributions to blind source separation of noisy and reverberant speech signals.

Michiel Bacchiani, for leadership in commercial automatic speech recognition systems.

Emil Björnson, for contributions to multi-antenna and multi-cell wireless communications.

Laure Blanc-Feraud, for contributions to inverse problems in image processing.

Petros Boufounos, for contributions to compressed sensing.

Chee-Yee Chong, for contributions to information fusion methods for multi-sensor tracking.

Thomas Clancy, for leadership in security and wireless communications.

Bruno Clerckx, for contributions to multi-antenna communications and wireless power transmission.

Andrea Conti, for contributions to wireless communication and localization systems.

Mauro Conti, for contributions to communications network security.

Alexandros G. Dimakis, for contributions to distributed coding and learning.

Trung Q. Duong, for contributions to cooperative communications and physical layer security.

Carol Espy-Wilson, for contributions to speech enhancement and recognition.

Junlan Feng, for leadership in spoken dialog applications, AI platform, and network intelligence.

Cedric Fevotte, for contributions to nonnegative matrix factorization, source separation, and spectral unmixing.

Alessandro Foi, for contributions to image restoration and noise modeling.

Eric Fosler-Lussier, for contributions to spoken language technology by integrating linguistic models with machine learning.

Simon Godsill, for contributions to statistical signal processing for tracking and audio restoration.

Deniz Gunduz, for contributions to the foundations of source-channel coding, cooperative and cache-aided communications.

Steve Hranilovic, for contributions to optical wireless communication systems.

Mathews Jacob, for contributions to computational biomedical imaging.

Soummya Kar, for contributions to distributed signal processing.

Hideki Kawahara, for contributions to auditory-inspired speech signal processing and science.

Kevin Kelly, for contributions to compressive imaging.

Amir Leshem, for contributions to multi-channel and multi-agent signal processing.

Siwei Lyu, for contributions to digital media forensic technologies.

Webert Montlouis, for leadership in the development of radar systems.

Debargha Mukherjee, for leadership in standard development for video-streaming industry.

Vittorio Murino, for contributions to signal processing for behavior analysis.

Krishna Nayak, for contributions to real-time magnetic resonance imaging of the human heart and vocal tract airway.

Guojun Qi, for contributions to multimedia analysis and applications.

Shiguang Shan, for contributions to visual signal processing and recognition.

Heng Tao Shen, for contributions to multimedia content understanding and retrieval.

Steven Simske, for contributions to anti-counterfeiting and cyber-physical security.

Hanghang Tong, for contributions to graph mining.

Mikko Valkama, for contributions to physical layer signal processing in radio systems.

Mayank Vatsa, for contributions to secure biometric recognition.

Ashok Veeraraghavan, for contributions to computational photography and computer vision.

Emmanuel Vincent, for contributions to audio source separation and challenge series methodology.

Dongmei Wang, for contributions to biomedical informatics and AI.

Jingdong Wang, for contributions to visual content understanding and retrieval

Rebecca Willett, for contributions to the foundations of computational imaging and large-scale data science.

Jun Zhang, for contributions to dense wireless networks.

Yefeng Zheng, for contributions to machine learning for medical imaging.

The following individuals were evaluated by the SPS, but are not SPS members:

Tara Sainath, for contributions to deep learning for automatic speech recognition.

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