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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The Signal Processing Society is pleased to announce the 5-Minute Video Clip Contest (5-MICC) at ICASSP in Singapore May 22-27, 2022.
The topic chosen this year is graph signal processing (GSP) and its applications. Graph signals arise in various applications, such as sensor networks, power systems, social networks, and biological studies. The area of GSP has gained considerable interest in the last decade. GSP theory extends concepts and techniques from traditional digital signal processing to data indexed by generic graphs, including the graph Fourier transform, graph filter design, and sampling and recovery of graph signals.
This competition aims to highlight the potential of GSP tools for various signal-processing tasks, including but not limited to sampling, filtering, denoising, classification, prediction, and anomaly detection. The submitted video can cover any theoretical and practical aspects of graph signal processing (GSP) and signal processing in networks. Related areas might be considered as well. For example, topics may include the development of GSP tools for various sensor processing tasks, including sensing, filtering, sensor data classification, clustering, anomaly detection, and prediction. Various applications can be addressed, such as time-series signals, image, video, and heterogeneous signals. Finally, topics include future directions for using GSP tools for analysis, modeling, and understanding pandemic.
The 5-Minute Video Clip Contest, called the 5-MICC, is an annual competition at the IEEE ICASSP and ICIP conferences. The competition aims to encourage the signal processing community to explain concepts in an innovative way using a video. The winners will be selected based on the quality of their project, novelty, clarity of presentation, and creativity. The contest is open for submissions from IEEE SPS members, including undergraduate and graduate students of all majors and researchers from all over the world. Each team must be composed of: (i) One faculty member (the Supervisor); (ii) At most one graduate student (the Tutor), and; (iii) At least three but no more than five undergraduates. At least three undergraduate team members must be either IEEE SPS student members or SPS members by the time they submit the full 5-minute video.
Submission of 30-Second Trailers:
Submission deadline: March 1, 2022.
Announcement of the best 10 teams: March 15, 2022.
Each submission should include a report, in the form of an IEEE conference paper, up to 2 pages, on the main idea/concept of the full video that will be submitted with the related written script. The selected best 10 teams will be identified and invited to send the final 5-minute video to participate in the final competition.
Submission of the Full 5-Minute Video:
Submission deadline: May 1, 2022.
Announcement of the 3 best videos: May 15, 2022.
Three finalist teams will be selected by the organizing TC.
Final Contest at ICASSP 2022 in Singapore Conference: May 22-27, 2022.
The three finalist teams’ 5-minute videos will be available on the ICASSP website, and the conference participants will vote for them until 2-days into the conference. The final ranking will be decided by the judging panel, also taking into account the popular vote. Notification of Winner is announced during the ICASSP conference.
You can find more information on the SPS 5-MICC site (coming soon).
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