Overview Articles

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Overview Articles

What are Overview Articles?

Overview articles are intended to be of solid technical depth and lasting value and should provide advanced readers with a thorough overview of various fields of interest. Overview articles are technically more thorough than tutorials, which are intended for readers with little background in a given field and are usually published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Overview articles are expected to be longer than regular manuscripts; their length is allowed to be as much as double the length of regular submissions with exceptions if approved by the Editor-in-Chief.

All overview articles will be subjected to the same rigorous review process as all other submissions. Overview article white papers must be approved by the Publications Board, and the review process shall be managed by the Editorial Board of the Transactions to which it is submitted, as described in the SPS Policies and Procedures Manual.

Which Transactions are involved?

Overview articles will be published in the following Transactions:

  1. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | Editorial Board
  2. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing | Editorial Board
  3. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | Editorial Board
  4. IEEE Transactions in Image Processing | Editorial Board
  5. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | Editorial Board
  6. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging | Editorial Board
  7. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks | Editorial Board

At What Frequency are Overview Articles Published?

In order to limit interference with the publication of regular manuscripts in the Transactions, the publication of overview articles is limited to at most one article per issue and averaging four per year in each Transactions.

What is the Process for Submitting an Overview Article?

Authors interested in submitting overview articles are required to consult first with the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of their Transactions of choice before submitting a white paper proposal. White papers are limited to 2-pages and should motivate the topic, justify the proposal, and include a list of relevant bibliography including any available tutorial or overview articles related to the subject matter. The authors should also attach IEEE-style bios. White paper proposals should be submitted directly to the EiC.

How are Overview Articles Handled?

The EiC solicits input from the Editorial Board on whether to encourage submission of a full paper. The EiC may also consult the leadership of one or more of the Society’s Technical Committees related to the topic of the proposed overview paper. Based on the feedback received from the Editorial Board, the EiC either discourages the author(s) from submitting a full-fledged manuscript or forwards it to the Publication Board for approval. If approved, the EiC encourages submission of a full manuscript within a three-month window through ScholarOne Manuscripts. As a result of the feedback from the Editorial Board, the EiC may determine that the Overview Article is more suitable to some other Transactions and may contact the EiC of that Transactions.

If approved for submission, the overview article is subject to the same rigorous review process as all other regular submissions. The official submission date of the manuscript is counted from the time the full manuscript is submitted to the Transactions. It is expected that the time from submission to publication of accepted Overview Articles will not to exceed one year.

Overview articles may be up to twice as long as a regular paper. No overlength page charges will be applied to overview papers in the Society’s journals.

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