Announcing a New Review Model for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

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Announcing a New Review Model for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Dear Readers:Athina Petropulu

The submissions to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP) have increased dramatically in recent years. In 2009 the journal received 17% more submissions than the year before. This increase confirms that signal processing is a vibrant research area and that the IEEE TSP is the premiere journal in the field.

I am pleased to announce a new review model that will help us handle the high submissions volume while making best use of our valuable reviewer resources.

All submitted manuscripts will be prescreened according to IEEE guidelines to determine whether they are comprehensible, fall within the scope of the periodical, and meet a minimum criterion for technical substance established for this journal. Only the manuscripts that meet the above criteria will be sent to external review. The prescreening process will be coordinated by members of the Editorial Board, called Area Editors, and will be conducted within the editorial board.

I would like the thank the following TSP Associate Editors who have agreed to serve as Area Editors: B. Chen, B. Dumitrescu, J-C. Pesquet, A. Scaglione, P. Schreier, I. Selesnick, K. Slavakis, and J. Takala.

We at the IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing will continue working towards bringing you articles of the highest quality and utmost relevance to the fast evolving field of signal processing. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Athina Petropulu
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing


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