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Jonghye Woo (University of Southern California): “Variational techniques for cardiac image analysis: algorithms and applications”, 2009. Advised by Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo.
In this dissertation, the author investigates five image segmentation and registration techniques based on the variational formulation for medical imaging applications. First, a novel segmentation approach is proposed to jointly delineate the boundaries of epi- and endocardium of the left ventricle on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) under a variational framework using level sets. Second, techniques are developed to examine multimodal data integration with an electroanatomic mapping data and MRI images for computer-aided catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation accurately. Third, a multimodality image registration algorithm for the alignment of myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) and coronary computed tomography angiography scans is presented utilizing geometric features from a reliable segmentation of MPS volumes. Fourth, a nonlinear ultrasound image registration method is proposed using the intensity and the local phase information under a variational framework. Finally, a fully automatic and accurate nonlinear volume registration for longitudinal Coronary CT angiography scan pairs is developed. The proposed algorithms combine global displacement and local deformation using nonlinear volume co-registration with a volume-preserving constraint. Extensive computer simulations have been conducted and clinical validations have been performed to demonstrate the improved accuracy of the proposed techniques.
Click here to access the thesis or contact the author.
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