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The Department of Information Technology has a leading position in research as well as teaching at all levels. The Department has about 200 employees, including 80 senior faculty and 80 PhD students. More than 3000 students are enrolled in one or more courses annually.
Duties: The position includes teaching at all levels in signal analysis and at basic level in automatic control, research and administration. Teaching duties include course responsibility, course administration and supervision of post graduate students. The holder shall also follow the latest development in the subject field as well as its societal impact. The position includes attracting external funding for research, project management within the subject field, as well as cooperating with researchers in academia and industry.
Qualifications required: To be eligible for a position as associate professor, the applicant must hold a Ph.D and, unless there are special circumstances, have completed suitable pedagogical training for teaching at university level or have corresponding qualifications and pedagogic proficiency. According to the appointment regulations of Uppsala University it is also a general requirement that teachers, in addition to the teaching skills required for this position, have any other skills that are necessary to carry out their duties proficiently. Teaching skills must be well documented such that the quality can be assessed.
The full announcement is available at: You are welcome to submit your application no later than February 28, 2011.
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